Almal Verstaan Ekonomie Graad 11 Onderwysersgids
Publisher | Macmillan South Africa |
Print Price | R 559.95 |
Print ISBN | 9781431010554 |
WPDF Price | R 384.95 |
WPDF ISBN | 9781431017805 |
The Solutions for all programmes have been developed to support the content (knowledge, concepts and skills) contained in the National Curriculum Statement (NCS), as organised in the new Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS).The Solutions for all programmes have been organised to support teaching and learning in the classroom by presenting the material to be taught and practised in the classroom in 30-60 minute lessons.
How does the Learner’s Book assist learning and teaching?
- The book is full colour throughout.
- The attractive opener page introduces learners to the topic in a user-friendly way with a section called “What will you learn about in this topic?” followed by a section called “Let’s talk about this topic”.
- At the start of each unit, prior knowledge is explored in a section called “What do I know already?”
- A “Check myself” activity allows for baseline assessment.
- Word boxes with definitions (at the start of each unit) give learners a summary of important terms and concepts that will be covered in that unit.
- There are classroom and homework activities that cover a range of skills and content.
- Extra practice activities at the end of each section of work offer learner support and extension questions and tasks.
- Clear, well-annotated instructional artwork is provided that supports the text and aids learning.
- Suggested Formal Assessment Tasks and Tests are provided. These FATs are aligned with the CAPS Programme of Assessment for Grade 11.
- An index is provided at the back of the Learner’s Book to help learners look up information.
How does the Teacher’s Guide assist learning and teaching?
- It includes an Annual Teaching Plan.
- The introduction includes an overview of CAPS content and assessment for easy reference.
- Each topic includes background information for the teacher and guidelines on how to teach the content and skills covered in that topic.
- The answers to all activity questions are provided.
- Teaching hints for the activities are also provided.
How does this course deal with assessment?
- The Teacher’s Guide includes sample tests and exam papers, which may be photocopied. Memoranda for these tests and exams are also included.
- The course provides suggested Formal Assessment Tasks, as well as assessment tools for these practical tasks.
There are tables in the Teacher’s Guide that give the Bloom’s cognitive levels addressed in each of the activities; as well as in the tests, exams and formal assessment tasks.