Publisher Macmillan South Africa
Print Price R 27.95
Print ISBN 9781431027446
Using the ReadersThe 40 Readers are divided into terms, according to the topics outlined in the Life Skills CAPS.

Suggestions for using the Readers

  • Show learners the cover of the book and ask them what they think the story is about. Go through the book, page by page, and discuss the illustrations. Point out any link to the week’s sight words. At this stage, learners will just be ‘reading’ the pictures. It doesn’t matter if they don’t interpret the story accurately. ‘Reading’ pictures is the first stage of reading.
  • After showing learners the book, ask them what they remember about it. Then go through each page the same way as above, this time reading the words on each page (refer to the suggested text on the back cover, for readers which have pictures only). Allow learners to discuss each picture and to ask questions (see the back cover of the Reader for possible questions). Link words to pictures: for example, if there is a picture of a cat, together with the word, point out that the word says ‘cat’. Also write the word on the board.
  • Follow the same steps as above. By now, learners should be familiar with the story. Remember they will not be able to read all the words. At this stage, the most important thing is for them to understand that there is a link between the pictures and the words. Talk about each picture as before, but then point to the word and say it clearly. Ask, ‘What does this word say?’ Many of the learners will still not be reading the word. They just remember it or guess it by looking at the picture. This is exactly what they should be doing. For discussion points, refer to the inside back cover of each Reader. There are questions for each page.


Paired reading, using the Reader

The learner ‘reads’ the story to a partner.

Individual reading, using the Reader

The learner ‘reads’ independently for pleasure.


For optimum classroom use, purchase one set of Readers per learner.