Schools often find themselves in a predicament when they are dealing with their financial issues. This is a clear case of misunderstanding of legislation, misinterpretation of the various roles and responsibilities and ultimately the miscommunication between parties that are directly involved in the effective management of school finances.

As it currently stands, a vast majority of schools have democratically elected School Governing Bodies (SGBs) and staff members in specific portfolios that require specific skills. With this in mind, one often analyses the extent of the knowledge, experience and expertise of the SGB treasurer, the finance officer/clerk and the school principal in terms of managing school finances. In most cases, their ability to understand their roles and responsibilities and execute them in line with the necessary legislative prescriptions determines whether they are able to deliver on the mandate given to them by the parent populous of their schools. 

Based on the above, it should be clear that in order for any school to be able to execute the task of effective school financial management, the following areas need to be adequately unpacked for, mediated to, and understood by all the role players involved in this process:

I.             Legislation:

  • The South African Schools Act 84 of 1996 (as amended)
  • Section 21 and non-section schools
  • Application for specific functions
  • Allocations of budgets for both types of schools (budgetary implications)
  • Auditing of financial records
  • The roles of the SGB (all relevant portfolios) vs the school principal
  • The Public Finance Management Act 29 of 1999 (As amended)
  • Spending and procurement procedures as well as entering into contracts

II.            Establishment and effective running of a finance committee

III.           Development of an adequate and user-friendly School Finance Policy that clarifies the roles and responsibilities of all parties involved in school finances as well as an outline and description of the procedures to be followed

IV.          School fees for fee paying schools

  • Determination of fees
  • Full, conditional and partial exemptions
  • Collection of fees, receipting of monies, banking as well as monthly reconciliations
  • The  legality of withholding results

V.            The budgeting process

With all of this in mind, Macmillan Teacher Campus has developed a brand new workshop aimed at anyone who is involved with school finances.

If you are a school principal or deputy principal, an SGB chairperson or treasurer, a clerk or finance officer, then this popular, effective interactive workshop is for you.

Let us empower you as we take you on an edifying journey with a destination that is effective school financial management.

 PD POINTS: Pending

For more information or to make a booking, please contact Anita Willers on 060 997-6333 â€‹or email