Create your life handbook. Your life handbook is your life-long personal manual to live your best life – from your mission statement, your values, your long-term goals, short-term goals, personal strengths, blind spots to address, and plans, among others. Create your book first then build on from there.

Discover your life purpose. Set a mission statement for your life; one that will drive you to live your life to the fullest. Live in alignment with your purpose within every context, situation and environment you are in, every second of the day.

Discover your values. Every one of us has our own set of ethics, principles and moral codes. Live true to them every day because this is the essence of what makes you, you.

Design your ideal life. There are no limits in life – only those you set for yourself!

Set your goals. After you have designed your ideal life, set your 5-year, 3-year and 1-year goals. The more specific your goals, the better!

Take action on your goals and dreams. Create an action plan with your strategy, plan and immediate next steps. Uncover your blind spots. The more you uncover, the more you grow, the better you become.

Create your bucket list. Compile a list of things you would like to do before you die. Then, get out and achieve them.

Be Adaptable / Flexible / Versatile. Have your goals and plans, but be able to change them accordingly when the situation calls for it. Rigidity is a sign of weakness, while adaptability makes you so much more powerful.

Embrace change. Change means growth. Rather than resist change, learn to be flexible such that you can make the best out of the changes that come. In fact, become an agent of change.

Learn from mistakes. The more mistakes you make, the faster you learn. Make sure to draw lessons so you can build on them.

Challenge your fears. All of us have fears. Fear of uncertainty, fear of the unknown, fear of risk … All our fears keep us in the same position and prevent us from growing. Rather than avoid your fears, recognise they are the compass for growth. Address and overcome them.

Learn to apologise. There’s nothing that makes us more beautifully human than making mistakes and owning up to them.