Outcomes of Workshop

This workshop will enable you to:

  • Establish a baseline knowledge of the Curriculum Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS)
  • Understand the Integrated Daily Programme
  • Recognise and apply the correct terminology within the Grade R classroom
  • Understand and apply the requirements of each play area within the Grade R classroom
  • Utilise specific resources within the various play areas in a creative way
  • Understand and implement proper rotation within the daily programme of focus and side activities
  • Plan lessons to cater for differentiation in the classroom
  • Understand and implement the correct Grade R classroom layout
  • Recognise the value of the playroom towards holistic development of the child
  • Interact with the Grade R play areas
  • Understand and implement the Grade R activity rings
  • Develop a classroom where distractions are minimised, access to resources are maximised and synergy is developed between the lesson plan and the classroom layout

Target Audience

Grade R practitioners and DHs

Duration: 4 Hours

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