Outcomes of Workshop

This workshop will enable you to:

  • Recognise the different types of magnets
  • Conduct experiments to find out which substances stick to a magnet
  • Conduct tests to determine which metals are attracted to a magnet, and which are not
  • Demonstrate a simple electric circuit with an energy source (cell), switch, conductor and a light bulb or buzzer
  • Sketch the circuit showing how to use component symbols
  • Make a simple circuit as demonstrated
  • Draw the circuit using correct symbols for components
  • Make a simple electromagnet by winding insulated copper wire around an iron nail
  • Write a design brief with specifications and constraints for a crane with an electromagnet
  • Use an electrochemical cell, a switch, a light bulb, a ‘soft’ iron core and a long length of insulated copper wire to make an electromagnet
  • Make a model crane with a crank-and-pulley system which will carry the electromagnet
  • Develop a rubric to evaluate the models of other teams

Target Audience

DH technology, technology lead teachers, technology teachers

Duration: Full day

SACE PD Points:


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